Getting a loan or funding for your business, your home, or whatever it may be is difficult for many people. For a number of reasons, people struggle to achieve their funding goals. They must seek other ways to finance their dreams. That is where Timo Wilson and ASAPFUNDR comes in.
“With a background in sales and finance in the automotive industry, I left corporate America in 2019 on a mission to help people restore and rebuild their credit to enjoy the finer things in life. All I had was $1500 to my name and a dream. No partners or investors. The first 12 months of business my company successfully cleared 7 figures in sales and received the Millionaire Award through our CRM company. In 2021, my company Asap Credit Solutions has successfully helped 4500 people become approval ready for their dream home & cars. I have employed 30 full time employees to assist with our clients credit repair process and have changed many lives,” Timo recounts.
Timo originally got into the business at the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. Many of our favorite businesses, restaurants, stores, and other shops were directly impacted by the difficulties of the pandemic. For Timo, he felt that this was a good opportunity to give back to so many people who were struggling at the moment.
“After being impacted by covid as a business owner, I felt there was a demand for business owners to acquire capital to keep their business afloat. I have a passion for business and helping people so this was really a great choice to serve.
After helping thousands of people with their personal credit, being ranked top 5 credit repair companies in the state of arizona and maintaining a 4.9 star google review rating we have expanded to business credit and business funding. Currently, ASAPFUNDR funds over $1million a month to business owners looking to start – grow or scale their company during the pandemic. When banks say NO we say YES,” Timo exclaims.
For Timo, two big things helped him differentiate his business from other businesses looking to help in the financial space. The first is his mindset. Timo’s excellent mindset has helped him stay disciplined and focused on his goal even when things get tough. When he focuses on keeping his dreams big and making big things happen, they do!
The second aspect that differentiates his business from others and helps people successfully get the funding they need is their great customer service.
“Results, Communication and client satisfaction differentiate us from others. I take pride in going above and beyond for my clients no matter what it takes,” Timo says.
Timo and his team are excited to continue helping people build back as the world recovers from the pandemic and things begin to right themselves. They have a big goal that they hope to achieve next year!
“Business Credit & Business Funding is our next step! My goal is to fund 10 million dollars in 2021 and help 1000 business owners establish business credit,” Timo states.
To find out more about Timo, you can follow him on Instagram here and check out his website here.