For many people, debt can be a hard thing to overcome. Due to loans, poor financial advice, or bad luck, many people carry debt with them throughout their lives. This prevents them from getting a house or a car and taking out loans to help make ends meet, which only furthers the cycle of debt and struggle for this person. Nordia Fletcher used to be plagued by debt, but her story is one of triumph and proof that it does not have to be a death sentence.
“As a single mother raising a teenage son while working full-time as an Educator in the Public School system, I could not make ends meet without working two additional part-time jobs. My default was having too much debt. Debt that seemed never ending. The finance changes on each of my credit accounts were the killer. The more I paid, it seemed like my debt was not going away. I got to the point where it felt as if my life was at a stand still. I had to take charge inorder not to lose myself in worries. My hunger for financial freedom was what led me to educate myself on how to become debt free. With will power and tenacity I took control of my future and with that force I became the liberated person that I am today,” Nordia recounts.
Now, Nordia is helping people do the same thing that she did and liberating herself from debt. She runs her own life insurance and credit repair business with the goal of making a difference in people’s lives.
“I own a Life Insurance and Credit Repair Agency. I am in business to educate people on matters of personal finances, getting out of debt, and generating cash flow while helping others as well. It has always been and will forever be a passion of mine to help people. It has been a smooth flow for me because of my journey and my transition into Network Marketing,” Nordia remarks.
For Nordia, all of her motivation was about helping her family, particularly her son. She did not want to continue the cycle of debt and difficulty in his life, so she began to find out the reason as to why her debt was so bad and what was causing so much financial strain. This digging resulted in a discovery and later a business!
“For me, my son Michael is my biggest motivation, in addition to men and women who are facing financial challenges. Financial literacy and wealth building are areas that most people were not taught. I once found myself in this position and I feel the need to help others. Thankfully, I was given great mentorship and guidance when starting my business. My inspiration for getting into this industry is the fact that I am able to solve issues that people, especially single fathers and mothers like me, faced,” Nordia explains.
Nordia hopes to continue on with her mission and fulfill her destiny as a help to others. With the pandemic, many people have been struggling with their finances as the closing of many parts of the economy has hit us all. Her goal is to help 400 people make a difference in their finances.
“My next project this year involves motivating and helping at least 400 people, and educating more people on the matters of personal finance. In this country, you need a license for everything, to drive, to be a contractor, so you have to become educated about wealth. One of the most lucrative industries is in the area of finance. I realized there is a high demand for Financial Advisors, being licensed in investments, life insurance, mortgages. This area is so broad I could actually show you how to proceed,” Nordia states.
To find out more about Nordia, you can follow her on Instagram here.