Investment is the key to financial success for many people. If you have enough expendable income, investment can help take you from surviving to thriving and create an amount of financial freedom that previously wouldn’t have been available to that person.
One of the many places that is helping people invest in the real estate market is Kamehameha Realty. They, like many others, are encouraging people to invest in the market right now and for the future due to the incredible trends occurring.
After seeing many family and friends unable to make ends meet because of the lack of extra income, the creators of Kamehameha Realty decided to do something to change that. This is what inspired them to not only create a business, but one specifically geared towards helping out those who needed assistance with investment and guidance on how to take advantage of the market.
Kamehameha Realty, Management & Investment Services, has 11 years of investment expertise here in the U.S. and is eager to help interested investors learn how to generate income that is safe, profitable, and dependable- no experience required. For many people, information can be a large barrier to entry. If you do not have the right information, you may be making the wrong decisions, but Kamehameha wants to help make sure their clients have that information.
Specializing in real estate investments in Florida and Ohio, Kamehameha Realty’s success did not always come easily. Getting a foothold can be incredibly difficult, but after years of hard work and slowly growing their business, they were able to overcome those obstacles.
After conquering these obstacles, Kamehameha Realty has many exciting opportunities and projects for the future. The biggest one will be working to stabilize their first multifamily 76 units, which should be completed shortly. In addition, they will be perfecting their team and growing it even more to assist more foreing investors, to teach them about investing in real estate vs having their money in a savings or CD account. This is especially important right now during COVID where a lot of people are financially suffering and they can help them generate extra income secured by a real estate asset.
Kamehameha Realty was founded by Alejandra Alvarado. As a young Venezualan woman, she moved to the United States to pursue a degree in Business Administration. Now the mother of three children, Alejandra has chosen this lifestyle not only to support other families and their dreams, but to also give herself the flexibility to be a mom and be there with her family.
“Success means waking up and going to bed happy every day and appreciating that I did my best for that day, being able to change my attitude toward difficult situations and turn them into opportunities, and being grateful for all we have regardless of the current situation. I was looking to be able to be with my children whenever they needed me, which is why I started this journey, and I hope I can provide the same for others,” Alejandra states.
If you’re looking to learn more, visit Kamehameha Realty’s website here.